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Our Seneca Set Up!


Thursday saw 9 of us working on the Caravan, Tomahawk and Pedal Planes at my place. Lots was achieved including getting "SkyDemon" on an iPad working with the Tomahawk, amazing to fly the sim and see it tracking over the Sky Demon map.

Thanks to all......

JB,Mike Diggins,DG, DO + nephew, Martyn Looker, Steve Elkin and Terry Miller.

This morning was spent watching "Dan the fork lift man", from Shoot Aviation, load the Seneca onto our new trailer at the airfield.

John Baker and Steve Elkin helped to give moral and technical support and lots to talk about before the Sim. is fit for purpose.

We hope to carry on the good work next week, lots to do.

We're looking for a spare wheel for our caravan and others for a trailer, anyone any ideas where we can lay our hands on them?

Caravan has 4 stud wheel - tyres are 180R13 75T

Peters Trailer has 5 stud wheel - tyres are 6*70R15

Sad news,

Derek Ross has passed away. He was a good supporter of our events.

Our best wishes to his wife Jenny , especially during this difficult period.

Chug a lug


Runners are in, although the ground's so dry!

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