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Fairey Rotodyne 60th Anniversary lecture

A ghostly Evening Joystickers,

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Chris Royle pinned this.....

Gill, Leading Lights, sent this.....

Richard Poad passed this on....

FAIREY ROTODYNE 60th anniversary lecture, including archive film

Monday 27th November at Maidenhead Town Hall SL6 1RF at 7.45pm

Speaker David Gibbings, who worked on Rotodyne

Tickets £10 from Maidenhead Heritage Centre 01628 780555

Further information 6th November is the 60th anniversary of the maiden flight at White Waltham of the revolutionary Rotodyne, the world's first vertical takeoff airliner. This special anniversary lecture tells the story of Rotodyne from its conception through the flight test programme (including route proving to Paris and Brussels) to the disappointment of its cancellation in 1962. David Gibbings will also look at VTOL projects since the trail-blazing Rotodyne - which was definitely ahead of its time

JB and I travelled to Fulham today, not for the footie, but for a "wash up" talk to the organisers of the STEM part of DSEI at the ExCel centre , where we were involved recently.

Two extra incidents took place, one was a fantastic bookshop just "um die ecke" from the meeting place. We were GIVEN a few aviation books and the owner, Ray Cole, would be delighted for us to have a sortie to his warehouse where he's loads of others!

As we were talking, the film Paddington Bear 2 was advertised on a passing bus which reminded us of the sign at the station.....

Of course we'll be seeing the film as a little piece of our Seneca should be in it!

More work on the simulator is scheduled for tomorrow but currently it looks like this...



Wife nicked more leeks yesterday.

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