Thank You
Following a great morning at Cookham Rise Primary school where the pupils were introduced to our Kit

They have been busy writing thank you, this is one!

Steve Elkin is organising our next visit to Greenford Primary Tuesday 19th April.
David Oswald and I did a recce of a school, Oakridge in High Wycombe, where we're visiting on Tuesday 26th April where we'll need lots of volunteers as there will be over 100 pupils for an aviation experience!
Anyone who feels they can spare time to help please let David Oswald and myself know ASAP.
Please see our website for other dates and events.
Shuttleworth has a seat available and Bletchley several.
Stuart Scott saw this good news item...
Ian Haskelll sent this video of Duxford's replenished hangar.
Dahlias being brought on