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Canberra-WK163-Coventry, Brooklands flight shed

Good morning JOYSTICKERS!

We had a very good day at Sir William McAlpines estate yesterday until it rained about 1600! (Could do with some help to tidy the JSC kit up on Wednesday if anyone's around?)

One thing that has come from it besides lots of 50p's in the JSC funds, is a visit up there for JOYSTICKERS.

We'll have 30 tickets at £10 each for JULY 10th.

John Baker , whose been a longtime helper and Station Master at McAlpines, will help with a conducted tour of the amazing museum. Sir Williams steam train orientated collection. Rides on the brilliant Steam Railway and much more to enjoy.

Volunteers take priority for the tickets, let me know if you'd like to come, under your own steam...of course.

News... The "Vulcan to the air " group are now turning their attention to a Canberra, will be great to see one flying in the UK again!

John DOWNEY is keeping us updated on the new flight shed at Brooklands, where the aircraft will be kept as the old Wellington hangar is refurbished and rebuilt by this structure.

Toddle loo


WIP in the veg parch today.

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