The Pond & S's
Not great flying weather so some news...
Ron Micham, who flew scouts for us in May, has flown the Atlantic in his RV with an extra fuel tank strapped into the passenger seat!
He and John Michie are now flying to Oshkosh, via circuit of the Statue of Liberty,
what an epic. and experience!
On terra firma we've done a lot to the Seneca, with Peter Dobson's help taking the port instrument panel out to devise and fit another to accommodate digital insts.
Peter devising below...
David Oswald & Steve Elkin have helped with building and welding up a frame around the cockpit on the trailer, preparing it for the sides and hatches to be fitted.
The Seneca is now at Peters for further thoughts and enhancement!
Wind Tunnels tour and FAST Museum visit is fixed for 19th October , limited to 20 and costing £25 for the day. The Wind Tunnels are not normally available to the public!
Need names and a deposit of £10 ASAP
This Saturday we'll be taking the whole Kit to RAF Northolt for their Communities Day.
The next day I'm in Kidwells Park, Maidenhead Festival with Martyn Looker with a few Pedal Planes and the Tomahawk cockpit, any others to join us would be good? 1100-1630hrs
John Downey sent this pic. of the fastest Swift outside a newly painted Hangar at Brooklands. The new enterprise is due to be open to the public November time.
We already have 15 walkers with Alan Hoskins tour of 'hidden Eton' on August 3rd.
"The Reds" are at Old Warden on the the 6th August and so are we!
On hols until Friday, hope the Sunflowers are still standing!