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First Joystick Club Night

Hello Joystickers, If you're not flying you should be, but if like me confined to base a brief on tomorrow. Simon O'Connell will give us a tour of "Shoot Aviation" handiwork from 1800 Monday. If you could meet up before then and car share we'll take you through the barrier off the car park to Simon's HQ. John Baker will sort you out and David Oswald is handing out the sausage rolls, a £2 donation would be great! Please be back at the Bar by 1915 as the RAF PRESENTATION team will be scheduled to start at 1930 sharp! Those just coming for the show can eat if they wish as Gavin's crew are keeping the kitchen open after 1800. Lots of film making going on this week as the story of 303 Polish Sqn at Northolt for the Bof B is being shot, so hopefully lots to see. Cheers, M Ps you'll be close to the home of our Caravan and Seneca.


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