Singing to the Stars Dec2
Hello Joystickers,
Makyla Devlin gave us a very enjoyable evening on Monday with a talk on how she and her family came to "drive" hovercraft and some interesting video of racing these craft, the most powerful doing 70mph over grass and water! Those who know Conrad Beale, excellent Rotax engineer, will have seen him doing slow rolls in his !
Hopefully she'll be able to bring some to EGLM for a demo in 2018.
Many thanks to her for coming down from Aylesbury.
Next month on the 18th we have the AGM, subs due of course, with mince pies to munch while Ian Haskell shows his superb aviation pics he's taken on many flights with friends and colleagues. Later a quiz to test our wakefulness!
Have attached next year's programme, so far, and the line up for the "Singing to the Stars" show on the 2nd. Any adjustments to names, payment, seats etc please let me know. Still on the lookout for raffle prizes?
We have a very special one lined up!
Those that haven't paid into the JSC Account I can take cash on the night.
We're working on Peter Bailey'trailer for transporting our Pedal Planes all day tomorrow...Thursday.
New wheels, coupling and lights have been purchased with widening of the base by ace TIG man Steve Elkin accomplished.
Just the brakes to get going and cladding and lots of hammerite painting to be achieved!!
Chug a lug,
Grass needs cutting.