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Good Morning Joystickers,

It was quite warm in the garage yesterday as Steve and I set about widening the trailer axle 2ins to accommodate the wider wheels. We were amazed to find the "axle" was solid steel , it took a little time to cut through! After lunch everything was welded back together successfully, with tube that Mike DIGGINS provided, and we now have a wider trailer which can carry 4 Pedal Planes.

If anyone would like to help finish the trailer with woodwork, lights and painting next week I'm around any time?

The "YES" group have asked if we might make them a Pedal Plane KIT over the Winter, and The Shuttleworth Museum have asked if we can bring our KIT on the first Sunday's of the Summer months? Free entry by 0930 and time to watch the Airshows after 1300!

Who can help out?

Terry Kent has "enjoyed" a time in Royal Berks Hospital, looking forward to see him playing with metal again soon .

Anyone seen Gordon Hill recently?

Our AGM Meeting NEXT MONDAY will host IAN HASKELL and his many great aircraft pics. a 30 question Quiz, with mince pies and a winter warmer during the evening!

Noel has given a beaut NZ Aviation calendar for a prize.

Happy Xmas shopping all!



Leeks used for soup....ahh

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