JSC Speaker 29th Jan
Hello Joystickers! www.joystickclub.co.uk
We're pleased to welcome one of our members to speak to us on the 29th about the long history of Meteorological Flights.
GEOFF HALLETT is one of those " boffins " who spent 10yrs with the RAF and then worked in the defence industry for companies like IBM.
He gained his PPL in the USA and has taken a great interest in many organisations and clubs as you can see below at the end of his email......
Hello Mike,
My pitch in a couple of weeks time.
Wokingham houses two leading or retired senior level meteorologists, Prof. Dr. John Mitchell OBE, FRS, FRMetS, CMet. who heads or headed the Climate Change programme, Chief Scientist (Met Office) and spent 44 years with the Met. Office. Also Dr. Geoff Jenkins who had earlier headed up the Meteorological Research Flight programme in the nineties. They would both like to come along to the presentation and they could well make a sizeable contribution, particularly in the Q&A session.
Colourfully Yours,
Geoff H.
Geoff Hallett.
Member, International Bomber Command Centre www.internationalbcc.co.uk
Member, Royal Air Force Museum www.rafmuseum.org.uk
Member, Royal Air Force Historical Society www.raf.mod.uk/history/rafhistoricalsocietym.cfm
Member, Royal Air Force Association www.rafa.org.uk
Member, Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund www.rafbf.org
Member, Royal British Legion www.britishlegion.org.uk
Member, National Malaya & Borneo Vets Assoc. www.nmbva.co.uk
Member, Friends of the National Archives www.friendsofthenationalarchives.org.uk
Member, Museum of Berkshire Aviation www.museumofberkshireaviation.co.uk
Member, The Joystick Club www.joystickclub.co.uk
Member, The Stereoscopic Society www.stereoscopicsociety.org.uk
Member, International Stereoscopic Union www.isu3d.org
While welcoming a new speaker we have to say cheerio to Mike Ashfield who has been a rock running the JSC Website. We will miss him and his family, but hope he can pop back from time to time.
Chris Royle would like another 4 for the ABBA Exhibition on 6th March, should be good with a working lunch afterwards of course!
Replies ASAP or Chris please.
Onward and flat out with the flight of 3 Pedal Planes which are beginning to look a little aeronautical!

Hopefully they'll look a little like these.....

See you in Feb., I 'll leave you in the trustworthy hands of Roger "subs" Dawe.
Now where's that pith helmet?
I wonder when herself will want the dining room back!